Current Business Class Pricing |
Country | Destination | Rate |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong - Cellular | $0.0100 |
Canada | 450 - Quebec - Laval | $0.0110 |
Canada | 709 - Newfoundland | $0.0110 |
Canada | 902 - Nova Scotia/P.E.I. | $0.0110 |
Russia | Moscow | $0.0110 |
Canada | 418 - Quebec - Quebec City | $0.0120 |
Canada | 306 - Saskatchewan | $0.0130 |
Canada | 403 - Alberta - Calgary | $0.0130 |
Canada | 819 - Quebec - Sherbrooke | $0.0130 |
Canada | 519 - Ontario - London | $0.0130 |
Canada | 905 - Ontario - Hamilton | $0.0130 |
Canada | 647 - Ontario - Toronto | $0.0130 |
Canada | 705 - Ontario - North Bay | $0.0130 |
Canada | 778 - British Colombia | $0.0130 |
Canada | 416 - Ontario - Toronto | $0.0130 |
Canada | 506 - New Brunswick | $0.0130 |
Canada | 604 - British Colombia - Vancuver | $0.0130 |
Canada | 204 - Manitoba | $0.0130 |
Canada | 250 - British Colombia - Victoria | $0.0130 |
Canada | 780 - Alberta - Edmonton | $0.0130 |
Canada | 807 - Ontario - Thunder Bay | $0.0130 |
Canada | 514 - Quebec - Montreal | $0.0130 |
Canada | 613 - Ontario - Ottawa | $0.0130 |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom | $0.0130 |
France | France | $0.0140 |
France | Paris | $0.0140 |
Germany | Frankfurt | $0.0140 |
Spain | Madrid | $0.0140 |
Spain | Spain | $0.0140 |
Argentina | Buenos Aires | $0.0150 |
Denmark | Denmark | $0.0150 |
Germany | Germany | $0.0150 |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | $0.0150 |
US Virgin Islands | US Virgin Islands | $0.0150 |
Greece | Athens | $0.0160 |
Israel | Tel Aviv | $0.0160 |
Italy | Italy | $0.0160 |
Netherlands | Netherlands | $0.0160 |
Poland | Warsaw | $0.0160 |
Portugal | Lisbon | $0.0160 |
Australia | Australia | $0.0170 |
Cyprus | Cyprus | $0.0170 |
Ireland | Ireland | $0.0170 |
Norway | Norway | $0.0170 |
United States | Hawaii | $0.0170 |
Vatican City State | Vatican City State | $0.0170 |
Greece | Greece | $0.0180 |
Korea South | Korea South | $0.0180 |
Portugal | Portugal | $0.0180 |
Portugal | Madeira | $0.0180 |
Austria | Vienna | $0.0190 |
Austria | Austria | $0.0190 |
Switzerland | Switzerland | $0.0190 |
Brazil | Sao Paolo | $0.0195 |
Brazil | Rio De Janiero | $0.0195 |
USA | Continental US | $0.0195 |
Belgium | Belgium | $0.0200 |
Chile | Santiago | $0.0200 |
China | Beijing | $0.0200 |
China | Shanghai | $0.0200 |
China | China - Cellular | $0.0200 |
China | Fuzhou | $0.0200 |
China | China | $0.0200 |
China | Guangzhou | $0.0200 |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong | $0.0200 |
Hungary | Hungary | $0.0200 |
Hungary | Budapest | $0.0200 |
Israel | Israel | $0.0200 |
Poland | Poland | $0.0200 |
Singapore | Singapore - Cellular | $0.0200 |
Singapore | Singapore | $0.0200 |
Sweden | Sweden | $0.0200 |
Taiwan | Taipei | $0.0200 |
Taiwan | Taiwan | $0.0200 |
Venezuela | Caracas | $0.0200 |
Argentina | Argentina | $0.0210 |
Panama | Panama City | $0.0210 |
Thailand | Thailand - Cellular | $0.0210 |
Thailand | Bangkok | $0.0210 |
Thailand | Thailand | $0.0210 |
Malaysia | Johor Bahru | $0.0220 |
Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | $0.0220 |
Malaysia | Malaysia | $0.0220 |
Malaysia | Penang | $0.0220 |
Estonia | Estonia | $0.0230 |
Guam | Guam | $0.0230 |
New Zealand | Auckland | $0.0230 |
New Zealand | New Zealand | $0.0230 |
Peru | Lima | $0.0230 |
Czech Republic | Czech Republic | $0.0240 |
Iceland | Iceland | $0.0240 |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg | $0.0240 |
Turkey | Istanbul | $0.0240 |
Czech Republic | Prague | $0.0250 |
Turkey | Ankarra | $0.0250 |
Canada | 867 - Yukon | $0.0260 |
Chile | Chile | $0.0270 |
Colombia | Bogota | $0.0270 |
Colombia | Cali | $0.0270 |
Colombia | Barranquilla | $0.0270 |
Japan | Japan Military | $0.0270 |
Venezuela | Maricaibo | $0.0270 |
Bulgaria | Sofia | $0.0280 |
Japan | Tokyo | $0.0290 |
Japan | Osaka | $0.0290 |
Japan | Japan | $0.0290 |
Panama | Panama | $0.0290 |
San Marino | San Marino | $0.0290 |
Monaco | Monaco | $0.0300 |
Gibraltar | Gibraltar | $0.0310 |
Venezuela | Venezuela | $0.0310 |
Andorra | Andorra | $0.0320 |
Colombia | Medellin | $0.0330 |
Slovakia | Slovak Republic | $0.0340 |
Jordan | Amman | $0.0360 |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria | $0.0380 |
Guadeloupe | Guadeloupe | $0.0380 |
Slovenia | Slovenia | $0.0380 |
Mariana Islands | Mariana Islands | $0.0390 |
Brazil | Belo Horizonte | $0.0395 |
Brazil | Porto Allegre | $0.0395 |
Brazil | Recife | $0.0395 |
Brazil | Belem | $0.0395 |
Brazil | Brazil | $0.0395 |
Brazil | Governador Valadares | $0.0395 |
Brazil | Brasilia | $0.0395 |
Brazil | Natal | $0.0395 |
Brazil | Vitoria | $0.0395 |
Brazil | Curitiba | $0.0395 |
Brazil | Salvador | $0.0395 |
Brazil | Fortaleza | $0.0395 |
Croatia | Croatia | $0.0400 |
Finland | Finland | $0.0400 |
Indonesia | Surabaya | $0.0400 |
Colombia | Cartegna | $0.0430 |
Georgia | Tbilisi | $0.0430 |
Indonesia | Jakarta | $0.0430 |
Peru | Peru | $0.0430 |
Romania | Bucarest | $0.0440 |
Jordan | Jordan | $0.0460 |
Russia | Russia | $0.0460 |
Russia | Nakhodka | $0.0460 |
Malaysia | Malaysia - Cellular | $0.0470 |
Albania | Tirana | $0.0480 |
Armenia | Yerevan | $0.0490 |
Colombia | Pereira | $0.0490 |
Zambia | Zambia | $0.0490 |
Latvia | Latvia | $0.0500 |
Russia | St. Petersburg | $0.0500 |
Kuwait | Kuwait | $0.0520 |
Turkey | Turkey | $0.0520 |
Romania | Romania | $0.0530 |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh | $0.0540 |
Bangladesh | Chittagong | $0.0540 |
Brunei | Brunei | $0.0540 |
Cyprus | Cyprus - Cellular | $0.0540 |
Macao | Macao | $0.0540 |
Nigeria | Lagos | $0.0550 |
Russia | Russia - Cellular | $0.0550 |
United States | Alaska | $0.0550 |
Bahrain | Bahrain | $0.0560 |
Bolivia | Santa Cruz | $0.0560 |
Colombia | Palmira | $0.0560 |
Colombia | Colombia | $0.0560 |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica | $0.0560 |
Georgia | Georgia | $0.0560 |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | $0.0560 |
Macao | Macao - Cellular | $0.0560 |
Bangladesh | Dhaka | $0.0570 |
Bolivia | La Paz | $0.0580 |
Bolivia | Cochabamba | $0.0580 |
Dominican Republic | Dominican Republic | $0.0580 |
Paraguay | Asuncion | $0.0580 |
Reunion Island | Reunion Island | $0.0580 |
Korea South | Korea South - Cellular | $0.0600 |
Lithuania | Lithuania | $0.0600 |
South Africa | South Africa | $0.0610 |
South Africa | Durban | $0.0610 |
South Africa | Johannesburg | $0.0610 |
India | Hyderbad | $0.0620 |
Laos | Laos | $0.0630 |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica - Cellular | $0.0640 |
Mongolia | Mongolia | $0.0640 |
Nepal | Katmandu | $0.0660 |
South Africa | Cape Town | $0.0660 |
Gabon | Gabon - Cellular | $0.0680 |
Gabon | Gabon | $0.0680 |
Bermuda | Bermuda | $0.0700 |
Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh | $0.0700 |
Mexico | Guadalajara | $0.0710 |
Mexico | Leon | $0.0710 |
Mexico | Torreon | $0.0710 |
Mexico | Puebla | $0.0710 |
Mexico | Aguascalientes | $0.0710 |
Mexico | Mexico City | $0.0710 |
Mexico | Veracruz | $0.0710 |
Mexico | Irapuato | $0.0710 |
Mexico | Monterey | $0.0710 |
Pakistan | Karachi | $0.0710 |
Burundi | Burundi - Cellular | $0.0720 |
French Guiana | French Guiana | $0.0720 |
Uruguay | Montevideo | $0.0730 |
Iran | Iran | $0.0740 |
Iran | Tehran | $0.0740 |
Malawi | Malawi | $0.0750 |
Taiwan | Taiwan - Cellular | $0.0780 |
India | Bangalore | $0.0800 |
India | Bombay | $0.0800 |
India | New Delhi | $0.0800 |
India | Calcutta | $0.0800 |
Uruguay | Uruguay | $0.0800 |
Pakistan | Pakistan | $0.0820 |
Pakistan | Lahore | $0.0820 |
Pakistan | Islamabad | $0.0820 |
Pakistan | Pakistan - Cellular | $0.0820 |
Ukraine | Odessa | $0.0820 |
Yugoslavia | Yugoslavia | $0.0820 |
Armenia | Armenia | $0.0840 |
Ghana | Accra | $0.0840 |
India | India - Cellular | $0.0840 |
India | BSNL - Cellular | $0.0840 |
Malta | Malta | $0.0850 |
Albania | Albania | $0.0860 |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan | $0.0860 |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan - Cellular | $0.0860 |
Kuwait | Kuwait - Cellular | $0.0870 |
Burundi | Burundi | $0.0880 |
Nigeria | Nigeria | $0.0880 |
Ghana | Ghana | $0.0890 |
Malawi | Malawi - Cellular | $0.0890 |
American Samoa | American Samoa | $0.0900 |
Botswana | Botswana | $0.0900 |
India | India | $0.0900 |
India | Punjab | $0.0900 |
Jamaica | Jamaica | $0.0900 |
Indonesia | Indonesia | $0.0910 |
India | Madras | $0.0920 |
India | Ahmadabad | $0.0920 |
Ukraine | Kiev | $0.0920 |
El Salvador | El Salvador | $0.0930 |
Poland | Poland - Cellular | $0.0930 |
Namibia | Namibia | $0.0950 |
Vietnam | Hanoi | $0.0950 |
Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan - Cellular | $0.0980 |
Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan - Cellular | $0.0980 |
Iran | Iran - Cellular | $0.0990 |
Mexico | Mexico | $0.0990 |
Paraguay | Paraguay | $0.1000 |
Bolivia | Bolivia | $0.1010 |
Netherlands Antilles | Netherlands Antilles | $0.1020 |
Benin | Benin - Cellular | $0.1030 |
Swaziland | Swaziland | $0.1040 |
Vietnam | Vietnam | $0.1040 |
Vietnam | Vietnam - Cellular | $0.1040 |
Tajikistan | Tajikistan | $0.1050 |
Tajikistan | Tajikistan - Cellular | $0.1050 |
Mozambique | Mozambique | $0.1060 |
Benin | Benin | $0.1070 |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | $0.1070 |
Guatemala | Guatemala | $0.1080 |
Cameroon | Cameroon | $0.1100 |
Cameroon | Douala | $0.1100 |
Kenya | Kenya | $0.1100 |
Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh - Cellular | $0.1100 |
Dominica | Dominica | $0.1110 |
Panama | Panama - Cellular | $0.1140 |
Argentina | Argentina - Cellular | $0.1150 |
Bolivia | Bolivia - Cellular | $0.1150 |
Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan | $0.1170 |
El Salvador | El Salvador - Cellular | $0.1180 |
Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago - Cellular | $0.1190 |
Bangladesh | Syhlet | $0.1200 |
Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan | $0.1200 |
Niger | Niger | $0.1200 |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka | $0.1200 |
Tanzania | Dar es Salaam | $0.1200 |
Lebanon | Beirut | $0.1210 |
Lebanon | Lebanon | $0.1210 |
Seychelles | Seychelles | $0.1210 |
Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago | $0.1210 |
Bahrain | Bahrain - Cellular | $0.1220 |
Ukraine | Ukraine | $0.1220 |
Grenada | Grenada | $0.1230 |
Jordan | Jordan - Cellular | $0.1230 |
Uganda | Uganda | $0.1230 |
Dominican Republic | Dominican Republic - Cellular | $0.1240 |
Netherlands Antilles | Curacao | $0.1240 |
St. Lucia | St. Lucia | $0.1240 |
Cambodia | Cambodia | $0.1250 |
Cambodia | Cambodia - Cellular | $0.1250 |
Paraguay | Paraguay - Cellular | $0.1250 |
Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan | $0.1250 |
Macedonia | Macedonia | $0.1260 |
Australia | Australia - Cellular | $0.1270 |
Uganda | Uganda - Cellular | $0.1270 |
Ukraine | Ukraine - Cellular | $0.1280 |
Colombia | Colombia - Cellular | $0.1310 |
Togo | Togo | $0.1310 |
Congo | Congo | $0.1320 |
Kenya | Nairobi | $0.1320 |
Moldova | Moldova | $0.1320 |
Guatemala | Guatemala - Cellular | $0.1330 |
Nigeria | Lagos - Cellular | $0.1350 |
Rwanda | Rwanda | $0.1360 |
St. Kitts & Nevis | St. Kitts & Nevis | $0.1360 |
Antigua & Barbuda | Antigua and Barbuda | $0.1370 |
Antigua & Barbuda | Antigua and Barbuda - Cellular | $0.1370 |
Netherlands Antilles | Netherlands Antilles - Cellular | $0.1370 |
Aruba | Aruba | $0.1390 |
Indonesia | Indonesia - Cellular | $0.1390 |
Mexico | Mexico - Cellular | $0.1390 |
Japan | Japan - Cellular | $0.1400 |
Kenya | Mombasa | $0.1400 |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg - Cellular | $0.1400 |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka - Cellular | $0.1400 |
Yugoslavia | Montenegro | $0.1400 |
Guinea | Guinea | $0.1420 |
Sudan | Sudan | $0.1430 |
Chad | Chad | $0.1440 |
Chad | Chad - Cellular | $0.1440 |
Ecuador | Ecuador | $0.1440 |
Ecuador | Guayaquil | $0.1440 |
Ecuador | Cuenca | $0.1440 |
Ecuador | Quito | $0.1440 |
Central African Republic | Central African Republic | $0.1470 |
Egypt | Egypt - Cellular | $0.1470 |
Finland | Finland - Cellular | $0.1500 |
Iraq | Iraq | $0.1500 |
Rwanda | Rwanda - Cellular | $0.1510 |
Angola | Angola | $0.1550 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina | $0.1570 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo | $0.1570 |
Faeroe Islands | Faeroe Islands | $0.1570 |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua | $0.1570 |
Georgia | Georgia - Cellular | $0.1580 |
Latvia | Latvia - Cellular | $0.1580 |
Haiti | Port Au Prince | $0.1590 |
Senegal | Dakar | $0.1590 |
Tanzania | Tanzania | $0.1590 |
Brazil | Brazil - Cellular | $0.1595 |
Chile | Chile - Cellular | $0.1600 |
Montserrat | Montserrat | $0.1600 |
Mauritius | Mauritius - Cellular | $0.1610 |
Senegal | Senegal | $0.1610 |
France | France - Cellular | $0.1620 |
Venezuela | Venezuela - Cellular | $0.1620 |
Belize | Belize | $0.1640 |
Ivory Coast | Abidjan | $0.1640 |
Mauritius | Mauritius | $0.1640 |
Egypt | Egypt | $0.1660 |
Nigeria | Nigeria - Cellular (Globacom) | $0.1660 |
Nigeria | Nigeria - Cellular | $0.1670 |
Czech Republic | Czech Republic - Cellular | $0.1680 |
Yemen | Yemen - Cellular | $0.1690 |
Egypt | Alexandria | $0.1700 |
Egypt | Cairo | $0.1700 |
Honduras | Honduras | $0.1700 |
Yemen | Yemen | $0.1720 |
Zambia | Zambia - Cellular | $0.1740 |
Philippines | Manila | $0.1750 |
Guinea | Guinea - Cellular | $0.1780 |
Morocco | Casablanca | $0.1780 |
Honduras | Tegucigalpa | $0.1800 |
Morocco | Morocco | $0.1800 |
Philippines | Philippines - Cellular | $0.1800 |
Philippines | Philippines | $0.1800 |
Lithuania | Lithuania - Cellular | $0.1810 |
Anguilla | Anguilla | $0.1820 |
Cameroon | Cameroon - Cellular | $0.1830 |
Bhutan | Bhutan | $0.1840 |
South Africa | South Africa - Cellular | $0.1860 |
Tunisia | Tunisia | $0.1870 |
Turkey | Turkey - Cellular | $0.1870 |
Tonga Islands | Tonga Islands | $0.1880 |
Ivory Coast | Ivory Coast | $0.1890 |
Algeria | Algeria - Cellular | $0.1900 |
Algeria | Algeria | $0.1900 |
Oman | Oman - Cellular | $0.1900 |
Oman | Oman | $0.1900 |
Ghana | Ghana - Cellular | $0.1910 |
Tanzania | Tanzania - Cellular | $0.1910 |
Botswana | Botswana - Cellular | $0.1920 |
Madagascar | Madagascar | $0.1930 |
Mozambique | Mozambique - Cellular | $0.1930 |
Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia | $0.1931 |
Saudi Arabia | Jeddah | $0.1931 |
Saudi Arabia | Riyadh | $0.1931 |
Morocco | Rabat | $0.1950 |
Armenia | Armenia - Cellular | $0.1980 |
Peru | Peru - Cellular | $0.1980 |
Nepal | Nepal - Cellular | $0.2000 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | Turks & Caicos Islands | $0.2000 |
Nepal | Nepal | $0.2010 |
Swaziland | Swaziland - Cellular | $0.2020 |
Romania | Romania - Cellular | $0.2030 |
Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia - Cellular | $0.2040 |
United Arab Emirates | United Arab Emirates | $0.2040 |
United Arab Emirates | United Arab Emirates - Cellular | $0.2040 |
Belarus | Minsk | $0.2060 |
Germany | Germany - Cellular | $0.2070 |
New Zealand | New Zealand - Cellular | $0.2070 |
Slovakia | Slovak Republic - Cellular | $0.2070 |
Ireland | Ireland - Cellular | $0.2080 |
Norway | Norway - Cellular | $0.2080 |
Portugal | Portugal - Cellular | $0.2080 |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan | $0.2100 |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan - Cellular | $0.2100 |
Uruguay | Uruguay - Cellular | $0.2110 |
Honduras | Honduras - Cellular | $0.2120 |
Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | $0.2130 |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom - Cellular | $0.2130 |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom - Cellular (Tmob) | $0.2130 |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom - Cellular (O2) | $0.2130 |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom - Cellular (Orange) | $0.2130 |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom - Cellular (Voda) | $0.2130 |
Denmark | Denmark - Cellular | $0.2140 |
St. Pierre & Miquelon | St. Pierre & Miquelon | $0.2140 |
Micronesia | Micronesia | $0.2150 |
Netherlands | Netherlands - Cellular | $0.2150 |
Albania | Albania - Cellular | $0.2160 |
Jamaica | Jamaica - Cellular | $0.2170 |
Gibraltar | Gibraltar - Cellular | $0.2180 |
Lebanon | Lebanon - Cellular | $0.2180 |
Belarus | Belarus | $0.2190 |
French Polynesia | French Polynesia | $0.2190 |
Kenya | Kenya - Cellular | $0.2200 |
Moldova | Moldova - Cellular | $0.2200 |
Ivory Coast | Ivory Coast - Cellular | $0.2210 |
Syria | Syria | $0.2210 |
Barbados | Barbados | $0.2240 |
Mauritania | Mauritania | $0.2240 |
Hungary | Hungary - Cellular | $0.2250 |
St. Lucia | St. Lucia - Cellular | $0.2260 |
Angola | Angola - Cellular | $0.2270 |
Cayman Islands | Cayman Islands | $0.2270 |
Israel | Israel - Cellular | $0.2270 |
Croatia | Croatia - Cellular | $0.2280 |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua - Cellular | $0.2300 |
Suriname | Suriname | $0.2300 |
Suriname | Suriname - Cellular | $0.2300 |
Israel | Israel - Palestine Authority | $0.2310 |
Israel | Israel - Palestine Authority Cellular | $0.2310 |
Italy | Italy - Cellular | $0.2320 |
Equatorial Guinea | Equatorial Guinea | $0.2340 |
Grenada | Grenada - Cellular | $0.2340 |
Lesotho | Lesotho | $0.2340 |
Iceland | Iceland - Cellular | $0.2350 |
Spain | Spain - Cellular | $0.2350 |
Dominica | Dominica - Cellular | $0.2380 |
Aruba | Aruba - Special | $0.2390 |
Aruba | Aruba - Cellular | $0.2390 |
Greece | Greece - Cellular | $0.2400 |
Madagascar | Madagascar - Cellular | $0.2400 |
Belarus | Belarus - Cellular | $0.2410 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina - Cellular | $0.2410 |
Cape Verde | Cape Verde | $0.2420 |
Senegal | Senegal - Cellular | $0.2420 |
Belize | Belize - Cellular | $0.2440 |
Haiti | Haiti Audiotext | $0.2460 |
Haiti | Haiti - Cellular | $0.2460 |
Maldives | Maldives | $0.2470 |
St. Vincent & Grenadines | St. Vincent & Grenadines - Cellular | $0.2470 |
Lesotho | Lesotho - Cellular | $0.2510 |
Switzerland | Switzerland - Cellular | $0.2510 |
Namibia | Namibia - Cellular | $0.2520 |
Ecuador | Ecuador - Cellular | $0.2524 |
Mali | Mali | $0.2540 |
Reunion Island | Reunion Island - Cellular | $0.2560 |
French Guiana | French Guiana - Cellular | $0.2570 |
Sweden | Sweden - Cellular | $0.2580 |
Ethiopia | Addis Ababa | $0.2600 |
Austria | Austria - Cellular | $0.2610 |
Qatar | Qatar | $0.2610 |
Qatar | Qatar - Cellular | $0.2610 |
Tunisia | Tunisia - Cellular | $0.2620 |
Estonia | Estonia - Cellular | $0.2630 |
Palau | Palau | $0.2660 |
St. Kitts & Nevis | St. Kitts & Nevis - Cellular | $0.2660 |
Syria | Syria - Cellular | $0.2660 |
Afghanistan | Afghanistan - Cellular | $0.2670 |
Afghanistan | Afghanistan | $0.2670 |
Liberia | Liberia | $0.2680 |
Fiji | Fiji | $0.2700 |
Ethiopia | Ethiopia | $0.2710 |
Marshall Islands | Marshall Islands - Cellular | $0.2710 |
Marshall Islands | Marshall Islands | $0.2710 |
Fiji | Fiji - Cellular | $0.2720 |
Guyana | Guyana | $0.2720 |
Belgium | Belgium - Cellular | $0.2740 |
Ethiopia | Ethiopia - Cellular | $0.2740 |
Libya | Libya | $0.2750 |
Cape Verde | Cape Verde - Cellular | $0.2760 |
Haiti | Haiti | $0.2770 |
New Caledonia | New Caledonia | $0.2770 |
Monaco | Monaco - Cellular | $0.2800 |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria - Cellular | $0.2820 |
Yugoslavia | Yugoslavia - Cellular | $0.2820 |
Zaire | Zaire - Cellular | $0.2830 |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe - Cellular | $0.2870 |
Morocco | Morocco - Cellular | $0.2900 |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | $0.2900 |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone - Cellular | $0.2900 |
Macedonia | Macedonia - Cellular | $0.2930 |
Gambia | Gambia | $0.2940 |
Slovenia | Slovenia - Cellular | $0.2950 |
Guyana | Guyana - Cellular | $0.2960 |
Palestine | Palestine - Cellular | $0.2960 |
Guadeloupe | Guadeloupe - Cellular | $0.2990 |
Palestine | Palestine | $0.3020 |
Eritrea | Eritrea | $0.3050 |
Zaire | Zaire | $0.3080 |
French Antilles | French Antilles | $0.3100 |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein - Cellular | $0.3200 |
Comoros Mayotte Islands | Comoros Mayotte Island | $0.3250 |
Malta | Malta - Cellular | $0.3350 |
Djibouti | Djibouti | $0.3420 |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh - Cellular | $0.3460 |
Bahamas | Bahamas | $0.3500 |
Korea North | Korea North | $0.3580 |
Andorra | Andorra - Cellular | $0.3760 |
Djibouti | Djibouti - Cellular | $0.3870 |
Myanmar/Burma | Myanmar/Burma | $0.3880 |
Greenland | Greenland | $0.4150 |
Greenland | Greenland - Cellular | $0.4150 |
Guinea-Bissau | Guinea-Bissau | $0.4330 |
Guinea-Bissau | Guinea-Bissau - Cellular | $0.4330 |
East Timor | East Timor | $0.4420 |
Papua New Guinea | Papua New Guinea | $0.4540 |
Papua New Guinea | Papua New Guinea - Cellular | $0.4540 |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu - Cellular | $0.4580 |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu | $0.4580 |
Cook Islands | Cook Islands | $0.4670 |
Cook Islands | Cook Islands - Cellular | $0.4670 |
Somalia | Somalia | $0.5270 |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu | $0.6240 |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu - Cellular | $0.6240 |
Falkland Islands | Falkland Islands | $0.6280 |
Western Samoa | Western Samoa | $0.7100 |
Western Samoa | Western Samoa - Cellular | $0.7100 |
St. Helena | St. Helena | $0.7850 |
Kiribati | Kiribati | $0.7900 |
Solomon Islands | Solomon Islands | $0.7900 |
Solomon Islands | Solomon Islands - Cellular | $0.7900 |
Wallis and Futuna | Wallis and Futuna | $0.8190 |
Sao Tome & Principe | Sao Tome & Principe | $0.9530 |
Cuba | Guantanamo Bay | $0.9990 |
Cuba | Cuba | $0.9990 |
Cuba | Cuba - Cellular | $0.9990 |
Thuraya | Thuraya | $1.2080 |
Nauru | Nauru - Cellular | $1.2100 |
Nauru | Nauru | $1.2100 |
Niue Island | Niue Island - Cellular | $1.2200 |
Niue Island | Niue Island | $1.2200 |
Diego Garcia | Diego Garcia | $1.4670 |
Antarctica | Antarctica | $1.7100 |
Antarctica | Cocos | $1.7100 |
Antarctica | Christmas | $1.7100 |
Antarctica | Scott | $1.7100 |
Antarctica | Casey | $1.7100 |
Ascension Island | Ascension Island | $1.9400 |
Tokelau | Tokelau | $4.0600 |
Inmarsat | Atlantic Ocean-Est | $4.9280 |
Inmarsat | Indian Ocean | $4.9430 |
Inmarsat | Atlantic Ocean-West | $5.0960 |
Russia | Nahodka | $5.2100 |
Inmarsat | Pacific Ocean | $5.8670 |
Iridium | Iridium | $5.8670 |
Inmarsat | Atlantic Ocean-Central | $10.0540 |